A garden room, or tiled roofed conservatory is an extension to your home that works on very much the same principles as a glass conservatory. However, it includes a tiled roof and possibly a partial brick structure. When we think of a tiled conservatory, we often imagine a conservatory with a couple of wicker chairs and plant pots. However, the added insulation makes a garden room far more versatile. We have put together three ideas as to how you might choose to use yours.

Your new writer or artist’s studio

There are no rules that say a tiled conservatory should be connected in an open plan manner to your home. In fact, by retaining existing walls and doors, adding a tiled conservatory can become even more affordable. With beautiful views over your garden, plus the peace and quiet you need to work, using a garden room as a studio is the ideal choice for creative types who don’t want to traipse down to a shed at the end of the garden or cram into the spare bedroom.

A romantic bedroom or guest bedroom

With insulation properties similar to the rest of your home, a tiled conservatory can be used in the same manner as any other room. The price of adding a garden room is considerably lower than that of a conventional extension and can be an ideal solution for a family looking to locate an extra bedroom on the ground floor. The glass frame can be curtained like any other window but imagine waking up in the summer to the curtains drawn wide open, with the dawn greeting you from all angles.

The most exclusive gym

Our favourite unusual use has to be the home gym. No more waiting for your turn on the rower or queuing up for the shower. By locating your gym equipment in a garden room you have the advantages of accessibility and ventilation. Spare bedrooms with small windows are not really ideal places for working up a sweat. But with a home gym practically in your garden, you can throw open the doors and get some fresh air. We bet there’ll be nothing stopping you!

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