Modern double glazing can have a hugely positive impact on a property in many ways. High performing windows will improve thermal performance, boost security standards, and enhance a building’s visual aesthetic. Will replacing your windows, however, add value to your home’s market value? Let’s take a closer look.

How does new double glazing affect a property’s market value?

Black upvc windows

Recent research suggests that replacing a property’s windows with new A-rated glazing can increase a property’s market value by 10%. This is a considerable amount of money and makes the investment well worth the initial financial outlay.

If you’re thinking of selling your home, new windows don’t just add value to your property’s market price. A house with brand new windows will be a far more attractive prospect for any potential home buyers.

Buying a house is a costly process. Home buyers are often looking for a property that requires as little work as possible. With this in mind, new windows won’t need replacing for at least 20 – 25 years, so are a great way to promote your home on the market. Brand new windows will also provide better levels of energy efficiency. This will help you to make considerable savings over both the long and short term.

Benefits of new double glazing

george barnsdale full house install

A full house of new windows provides a wide range of benefits. Alongside adding value to your home’s market value, new double glazing also provides the following advantages:

  • A warmer, more comfortable interior living area
  • Significant reduction in home heating bills
  • Improved levels of home security
  • A new and stylish exterior and interior appearance
  • A quieter interior environment

Whether you’re thinking of putting your home on the market or you want to invest in your home and improve your standard of living, new windows are an excellent idea.

If you’d like to find out more about installing new windows at your home, contact Lifestyle Windows today. For more information about our range of high performing windows or any of our products or services call 0800 783 6502 or send us a message online.

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